Tuesday 21 October 2008

An off hand comment

I was waiting for the bus the other day at the train station when a BMW drove up and a man got out of the car to obviously catch a train. This is by no means an unusual act, my attention was drawn after the man had let the car as the woman in the car then moved into the driver's seat, at this point the bus arrived and could not go any further because the car was parked right in front of it blocking the road. I wondered as to why she didn't simply move the car, when it became clear she was having trouble with the car. A man walked over calling her all names under the sun saying she couldn't see the bus and was she stupid? At which point the woman got out of the car showing that she could not move the seat and therefore obviously couldn't reach the peddles. Dutifully the man helped her to move the seat forward and all was sorted as she moved the car. During all this the man in the car had returned because of the commotion, and to my surprise as the other man walked towards the station and the original man in the car he said in front of everyone in the que, and i quote 'and then they let the f**kers vote' and even laughed. I was appauled by his comment, as was the woman standing next to me in the que and i dare say a few others. Yet no-one said anything to him and even the man who knew the woman did not defend her. He was quite obviously referring to when women achieved the right to vote in 1928 after 10 years of only women over the age of 30 who owned property could vote. From 1897 the National Union of Women's Suffrage founded by Millicent Fawcett campaigned for equal rights for women and the right to vote. The Suffregettes suffered years of hunger strikes and campaigning in order to gain the vote for women, and although some of their actions were violent they still achieved equal rigths eventually. Therefore the off hand comment from this man shocked me because it shows that even today some men and women do not view eachother as equals.

Thursday 9 October 2008

First Blog

Hi, this is my first ever blog so here it goes.
I'm making this blog to use as part of my course in Print Journalism, but at least it seems that doing work won't be tedious or boring.
This is my first year at university and so far things seem to be going ok, (something I'm quite pleased about). At first moving out of home appeared quite scary, but thinking about it now it's just an adventure and i get to meet lots of new people. I was born in Gloucester and moved to Devon when i was 12, if I'm honest i didn't thinkI'd come back to Gloucester, but the University and the course was so good that I changed my mind.
I have already had one article that I joint wrote with another student published in the University paper. Although it's nothing spectacular it was still quite exciting to see my name over an article in a paper, and hopefully it's a sign of future success in the print journalism industry!

Well that's all from me for now, leave a comment if you find anything interesting on my blog!